Benjamin Mbithi Munyao

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Benjamin Mbithi Munyao which occurred on 11-7-2017 through a tragic road accident. The late was the principal of Kasuvilo Secondary: School in Ndithini Division Masinga County.

Son of the late Gideon Munyao Kyalo and Rae! Munyao. Husband of Elizabeth Mbithi Munyao of Maiuni Primary School. Father to Esther, Mwanzia of Kinyatta University, Mumo, Nduku and Kyalo. Grandfather to Mutheu. Brother to Beth Kivuva, Malonza, George Kalola, late Samson of KDF, Ndeke, David, Kyalo.

The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral home Machakos on 12th July 2017 at 8.00 am, for funeral service and thereafter burial at his farm starting at noon at Maiuni village, Kithimani ocation Yatta sub-county Machakos District.

Rest in peace Ben

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