Calvin Simiyu Kisaka (Papa)

Sept 1993 — July 2016

1st Anniversary/Appreciation

Days have turned to one year since the most painful moment when the cruel hand of death snatched you from us. We miss you dearly and your smile, humbleness and respect remains fresh in our hearts.

The void remains huge but God’s Grace has been sufficient.

You will forever remain in our hearts.

Fondly remembered by Dad, Mum, Brother Tim, Grandma, Uncles, Cousins Nephews nieces and friends.

We also express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and all well-wishers who stood with us and continue to stand with us.

Your overwhelming love, kindness, prayers and support will forever remain in our hearts.

Special thanks to KCB staff, KPC staff, CRC Church Kawangware, PEFA Church Chebarus and many others.

God bless you abundantly.

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