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Obituary Image of Gladys Waithera Ng'ang'a

Gladys Waithera Ng'ang'a

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to glory of Gladys Waithera Ng'ang'a formerly a nurse at Igegania Level 4 hospital Kiambu County who passed on, on 8th December 2018.
Obituary Image of Rosetta Muthoni Gathumbi

Rosetta Muthoni Gathumbi

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to Glory of Rosetta Muthoni Gathumbt on the 16th December 2018.
Obituary Image of Jonathan Seth Odongo Oduongo ADVOCATE

Jonathan Seth Odongo Oduongo ADVOCATE

It's with deep sorrow that we regret to announce the sudden death of Mr. Jonathan Seth Odongo Oduongo.
Obituary Image of John Kennedy Chege Ndung'u

John Kennedy Chege Ndung'u

 Born:15/11/1990 - Departed:15/12/2018
Obituary Image of Anthony Gicheru Ndarathi Murungaru

Anthony Gicheru Ndarathi Murungaru

It is with deep and humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the passing on of Anthony Gicheru which occurred on 14/12/2018 at Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad India.
Obituary Image of John M. Mutune Katula

John M. Mutune Katula

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the demise of Mr. John M Mutune Katula, former Deputy Principal, Makima Mixed Secondary School which occurred on 12th December, 2018 at the Nairobi South Hospital after a short illness.
Obituary Image of Jane Wairimu Kamau Githiomi

Jane Wairimu Kamau Githiomi

It is with humble acceptance that we announce the passing on of Mrs. Jane Wairimu Kamau Githiomi of Post Office Naivasha.
Obituary Image of Faith Mutindi Kioko

Faith Mutindi Kioko

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the death of Faith Mutindi Kioko of Kaiani village, Kathonzweni, Makueni County.
Obituary Image of Elizabeth Wanjiru Matenjwa

Elizabeth Wanjiru Matenjwa

We are saddened to announce the death of Elizabeth Wanjiru Matenjwa on 8th December 2018.
Obituary Image of Cllr. Aloys Ong’ang'a Openda

Cllr. Aloys Ong’ang'a Openda

Sunrise: 1962 - Sunset: 09/12/2018
Obituary Image of Aruna Handa

Aruna Handa

Obituary Image of Jane M Ndubi (Tutu) Mbogori

Jane M Ndubi (Tutu) Mbogori

Born: 1932 - Rested:10/12/2018
Obituary Image of Jared Abong'o K'Odingo

Jared Abong'o K'Odingo

 (31/12/1940 — 08/12/2018)
Obituary Image of Joyce Wairimu Mwangi

Joyce Wairimu Mwangi

We announce the passing of Joyce Wairimu Mwangi on 12th December 2018.
Obituary Image of Mr. Kenneth Kamto Mwadzuya

Mr. Kenneth Kamto Mwadzuya

Sunrise: 8th November, 1960 - Sunset: 12th December, 2018
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