Esther Mueni Kitheka (Smart)

1956 – 20/5/2017

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will we announce the passing on of Esther Mueni Kitheka (Smart) of Kawethei Village Kangundo. Daughter of Obed Kitheka Muneene and Agnes Kanyilu. Mother of Josphat Mutisya, Ruth Ndila, Obed Matheka and Bramwel Muasya (Tom). Sister of Ndungwa, Nzilani, Eva, Mwikali, the late Sammy Mulwa, Ndinda, Mukui, Rachael, Zaro & Ndambuki. Mother in-Law of Esther Mueni, Cornelius Mwau and Monthe.

Grandmother of Moureen, Monica, Angle, Munee, Mutuli. Sister-in-law of Patrick, Late Ichami, Late John, Kamau, Prince, Muloto and Ann. Cousin to, Ancent, Ezeckiel, Mweu, Simon, Kahuthu, Petero, Maam, Mumbi, Rose among others. Niece of the late John Ndambuki, Kimanywa, Ndeti, Kimeu Muneene, Sammy Muneene among others. Family and friends are meeting at their home (Kawethei Village) and Salvation Army Church Nairobi (Opposite OTC) from 5pm daily, there will be mini harambee on Thursday 25/05/2017.

The cortege leaves KU Funeral Home on Monday 29th 05/2017 at 7.00am followed by funeral service at their home village.

In God’s hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever, Fare thee well Rest in Peace.

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