Gideon Muge Cherogony

It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudden death of Gideon Muge Cherogony who was brutally murdered by thugs at Kesegon,Trans Nzoia on July 3, 2017 and later passed away at Cherangany Nursing Home.

Second son to Mr. Daniel Kipkemei Cherogony and Teriki Kipkemei of Lelian village, KabartonjoWard, Baringo North Sub-County, Baringo County. Son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. Chemelil of Ainabkoi, Uasin Gishu. Beloved father of Engineer Patrick Kipkosgei (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology), Cornelius (Pemwai), Faith Jepkorir (Kenyatta University) and Levy Kibor (Kituro High School). He was a brother to Late Isaac, (Ret) Col. Ronald (Kenya Army), Miriam (GDI, Nairobi), Edward (University of Eldoret), Gideon (Kenya Pipeline Corporation, Nairobi), Drusilla (Department of Cooperatives, Eldoret), Kipruto (Kitale), Alicen (Ministry of Education, Nakuru), Matilda (Ministry of Health, Nandi), Japheth (Mors Bridge), Susan (Pemwai), Mariko (Pemwai), Douglas (SCDP, Nakuru),Winnie (NHIF, Nakuru), Judy (CITAM, Eldoret), Julius (Kitale) and Amos (Concern Worldwide Organization, Nairobi). Brother. in law to Jane (Ravine), Nancy (UoE), Late Jane (Nandi), Saituni (Kitale), Samuel (Nairobi), Silas (Nandi),Alice (Mors Bridge), Rose (Pemwai), Betty (Nairobi),Vincent (Moi University), Late Andrew (Police), and Betty Nakuru). Uncle to Sammy, Ian, Babra, Daisy, Kiprop, Jepsergon, Kiptoo, Jelimo, Joy, Stephen, Sharleen, Jelimo, and many more.

His remains will be interred on Wednesday July 12, 2017 at his father’s home Pemwai village, Baringo County.

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