Kevin Kabogo Kimani


We the Kimani Family take this opportunity to appreciate and thank all our friends, family, churches and the funeral committee for the support and care shown during the difficult period following the passing on of our beloved late Kevin Kabogo Kimani.

We are deeply touched. You rallied immediately, consoled us and came together to help us navigate through this sad loss. During this time, your calls, texts and prayers & God’s Grace kept us going. We appreciate the personal financial sacrifices you made. Beyond the funds, you invested your time, thoughts and your presence – they mean a lot.

Truly we have an amazing God and we have seen His goodness through each and every one of you. To the individuals and groups (Nakuru, Nairobi, Kiambu, Githunguri & USA), kindly accept our deepest gratitude. We thank God for each and every one of you. May his Grace, Favor and Blessings be upon each of one you and your families. Pass our deepest gratitude to those in your network who supported us.

Finally, all thanks, glory, honor and praise be to God for Kevin and the sacrifice of Jesus – the way to everlasting life.

Let us live ready.

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