Richard Nyandika Onyancha

1947 — 13th June 2017

We the family of the late Richard Nyandika, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the almighty God for the life we shared with our beloved father- Richard.

We also convey our profound thanks to all well-wishers, friends and relatives, who overwhelmingly and unreservedly supported us through prayers, words of encouragement, hospital and home visits, financial support and in all other ways during the sickness and at the funeral of our dear dad.

While we would like to thank each individually, it’s impossible to mention each by name. However, we would like to particularly extend our appreciation to Noonkopir Seventh day Adventist church, Kitengela district SDA members, extended family, in-laws, all friends and the funeral organizing committees in Kitengela, Athi River and Nakuru.

Kindly accept this message and may Almighty God bless you all abundantly.

“We look forward to the resurrection morning, when God will wipe away our tears.”

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