Obituary Image of Evelyn Kemunto Mosiori Moroti

Evelyn Kemunto Mosiori Moroti

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It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Evelyn Kemunto Mosiori Moroti (formerly, teacher at Kineni Secondary School). Born at Bongionta Sub-location, Kisii County.

Daughter of Mosiori Maigo and Kate Ebisibah yaboke Mosiori. Beloved wife of Bernard Musa Moroti (Deputy principal, Bosiango SDA secondary School). Mother of Eugene Obande, Daisy Barango, Stacy Nyatichi, Wilibius Moroti and Askah Nyaboke. Daughter in law of the late William and Askah Moroti Obande. Sister of James, Josphat, Cedric, Elicanah, Cliff, Robert, Peter, Jane and Mary. Sister-in-law to Mary, Fridah, Jackline, Nancy, Zainabu, Leah, Linet, Nyamoita, Ruth, Alice, Hildah, Radhia. Aunt of Maigos among others. Niece of Ombaire, Gekonge, Onserio, Nyaanga, Onchangu, Mikuro, Mosiori Moroti Twara, Nyang’au, Paul, Patrick, Nyabuga, Henry, Nyasuguta, Nyanchama, Mwango’s, late Orachi. Cousin of Dr. Matoya, Peterson, Everline, Joshua, Moraa and Maigos.

The cortege leaves Nyansiongo Mission Hospital Mortuary on 26th June 2020 for burial at Riamichoki Sub-location, Masaba South, Kisii County on the same day,

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3 replies
  1. Dr. Cliff Orori Mosiori
    Dr. Cliff Orori Mosiori says:

    Our hearts are broken forever, my sister Evelyn Kemunto Mosiori.
    My father and your father will never stop crying for missing you in this world.
    People, friends and relatives tell us that in time,
    the pieces will eventually come back together.
    If this is true, though hard to believe now,
    there will always be a space,
    The piece to which has your name on its place.
    Tears have been falling now for so long since we lost you in June 2020.
    When we think of your beautiful face, it all seems so wrong to miss you.
    You had so much to look forward to both for us and your young family
    and so much left to do both in school and in church,
    But God allowed this to happen.
    We do not know whether He needed somebody in heaven who is as special as “you”.
    Or it is the work of Satan.
    All the same, nothing is the same now, and we doubt it ever will be even in the far future’s.
    Though according to the Holy scriptures, You have been released from pain and suffering of this world;
    you have been set free to rest and wait for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Your life story has touched people, all ages, near and far, including those outside Kenya.
    On the night you were taken from us in Eldoret (Alexandria Cancer and Pallative care centre, in the sky was a lone twinkling star only seen by you.
    What remains is for you to tell us that you had reached home now!

    And from your life as we knew it, it was time for you to take your final bow under the heavy burden of Cervical Cancer.
    We miss your voice, your infectious laugh and hearing you sing.
    My wife, Alice misses you and always cries by my side for God to take care of your Husband and children.
    Church, you loved, and now, we believe, you have new accessories – a rest waiting for Resurrection.
    The world has lost a wonderful girl, my sister, a true and amazing friend to my wife, Alice Mwango.

    You will be always around us in our memories, engulfing us with your love,
    Giving us strength to endure, keeping us close in memory, and waiting us when Jesus returns

    From your loving brother, Dr, Cliff Orori Mosiori and His loving wife, Alice Mwango Nyamwange

  2. Eugene Obande
    Eugene Obande says:

    You left too soon. The memories you left are the hardest thing to cope with but the most beautiful thing to have. Always loved, forever missed and never forgotten. Love you mom,💕


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