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Obituary Image of Mama Grace Nasike Wandabwa

Mama Grace Nasike Wandabwa

(Sunrise: 1932 — Sunset: 2019)
Obituary Image of Lyndon Sokoro Nyachiro

Lyndon Sokoro Nyachiro

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the sudden demise of Lyndon Sokoro Nyachiro through a tragic road accident.
Obituary Image of Ludia Teriki Naburuki (Kogo)

Ludia Teriki Naburuki (Kogo)

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of our Mum Ludia Teriki Naburuki (Kogo) that occurred on 30th June 2019.
Obituary Image of James Omari Kebiro

James Omari Kebiro

We regret to announce the death of James Omari Kebiro, son of the late Kebiro Nyakang'i Nyatuka and the late Sarah Moraa Nyambeche. Husband of Rachael Bisieri Omari.
Obituary Image of James Muturi Kariithi

James Muturi Kariithi

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the sudden death of James Muturi Kariithi on 3rd July, 2019. Until his death Mr. Muturi was an employee of Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA).
Obituary Image of James Gitonga Njeru (Kenya Safari Lodges and Hotels)

James Gitonga Njeru (Kenya Safari Lodges and Hotels)

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the death of James Gitonga Njeru on 3rd July, 2019 through a tragic road accident at Kenol, Meru - Nairobi Highway.
Obituary Image of Francis Wambugu Kamangu

Francis Wambugu Kamangu

First Birth:1941 - Second Birth: 07/07/2019
Obituary Image of Eunice Jeptum Nyamu

Eunice Jeptum Nyamu

It is with humble acceptance of God's sovereign will that we announce the promotion to glory of Eunice Jeptum Nyamu which occurred on Saturday, July 6th 2019.
Obituary Image of Eng. Elijah Abekah Jakoyugi

Eng. Elijah Abekah Jakoyugi

With deep sorrow we announce the passing of Eng. Elijah Abekah Jakoyugi (formerly of K.P.A. Msa).
Obituary Image of Retired D.O. John Kituveki Wambua

Retired D.O. John Kituveki Wambua

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the demise of John Kituveki Wambua which occurred on 5th July 2019.
Obituary Image of Catherine Njeri Muchunu

Catherine Njeri Muchunu

It is with great sorrow and acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to glory of our dear sister Catherine Njeri Muchunu of Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency-Nakuru.
Obituary Image of Catherine Nduku Kioko

Catherine Nduku Kioko

 12th June, 1947 - 4th July, 2019
Obituary Image of Captain Mario Magonga

Captain Mario Magonga

Sunrise: January, 1974 - Sunset: 3rd March, 2019
Obituary Image of Benson Nyangule Kangu

Benson Nyangule Kangu

 Born: 09/11/1974 - Rested: 01/07/2019
Obituary Image of Albert Sai Otolo (Commander Ali)

Albert Sai Otolo (Commander Ali)

 Sunrise 15th December 1959 - Sunset 6th July 2019
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