Obituary Image of Tito Kipkemoi Tuiyot

Tito Kipkemoi Tuiyot

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One Year Anniversary/ Memorial

One year on, your spirit continues to dwell within our hearts, a luminous beacon of love and wisdom. Your absence is keenly felt, but your legacy endures, vibrant and undiminished.

Dad, what is never in doubt is how you manifested all your life selflessly dedicating it to us, your loving family. We carry your light forward, illuminating the path for generations to come.

Through the years, your memory remains a sanctuary of solace and a wellspring of courage. It is in the quiet moments, beneath the vast canvas of the sky, that we feel your presence most acutely.

The rustle of leaves and the whispers of the wind carry echoes of your voice, and those fleeting instants, we find comfort.

Continue to rest in power, our eternal heartbeat.

Greatly celebrated by your loving mother; Jane Tuiyot.

As the days unfurl like pages in a book, we, your Children; Chepchirchir, Allan and Mitchelle are guided by the profound lessons you bestowed upon us.

In the laughter of your grandchild; to Saffron. Sisters and Brothers; John, Sammy, Francis, and Suzanne, Family and Friends, we see glimmers of your radiant spirit. They bear witness to the enduring impact of your love, woven into the tapestry of our family’s story.

Your unwavering strength, your boundless compassion and the grace with which you navigated life’s tempests, continue to inspire us.

Thank you for showing us what strength, courage and responsibility means. With love that knows no boundaries :

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