Obituary Image of Rita Chelangat Kirui

Rita Chelangat Kirui

1St Anniversary / In Loving Memory

Sunrise 28/11975 Sunset 26/10 2019

We wish we could be with you one last time, hear your laugh, see you smile and sing in praise of your Lord. You are always in our hearts. We miss you dearly. It is said time is a healer, we are not sure if this is true

Fondly missed by your husband Benard, Children: Collins, Briggite, Marsden & Gerald, Your in laws, brothers and sisters, Your Aunts, Uncles and cousins, Your colleagues, neighbors, church members and all students you taught and mentored

Continue dancing with the angels dear mum

Mathew 10:28 and do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul, rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Obituary Image of Charles Kariuki Njuguna

Charles Kariuki Njuguna

3rd Anniversary

Three years have passed since that sad day on Thursday, 26th October 2017 when you silently slipped away from us, the heavenly gates were opened wide welcoming your arrival to be with the Lord in glory. It broke our hearts but we have accepted because we know you are safely home. Deep in our hearts you are fondly remembered, happy memories cling around your name; True hearts that loved you with deepest affection, always will love you in death just the same. What would we give to hear your voice again, see your smile and make us laugh. You will always live in our hearts.

Affectionately remembered and missed by your loving mother Ruth Wamuca, siblings Anne Wanjiku, Eunice and Henry Mwaura, Martin and Serah Nduati, Nieces, Nephews,Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends.

Those we love don’t go away, they walk besides us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed, very dear and will never be forgotten! As your favorite song says…ln his arms he’ll take and shield thee. Thou will find a solace there…

“You fought a good fight, you finished the race and you kept the faith” 2 Timothy 4:7

Obituary Image of Musa Waluchio Sambuli

Musa Waluchio Sambuli

3rd Anniversary Memorial

14/08/1994 – 24/10/2017

Three years gone by but it is still very hard to comprehend that you are no longer with us. Even though we are aware that whatever words we put here will not bring you back, you will always be in our hearts, because in there, you are still “alive”. You left us everlasting memories we will always treasure for years — till the time the Almighty will command us to reunite with you.

To paraphrase Irving Berlin, “The song ended on 24 October 2017, but the melody lingers on”.

Dearly missed and quietly remembered by your Mum, Fronah Manera; Baba, Ibrahim Sambuli; Brother, Ernest Makholo Sambuli; Sister, Jamila Akechi Sambuli; relatives and friends.

Obituary Image of Mama Agnes Keene Ogari

Mama Agnes Keene Ogari

1St Anniversary

1933 – 24th October 2019

It has been one year since you painfully departed from us to be with the Lord.

Though you are physically gone from us, your tender memories still and shall forever linger with us.

Dearly but sadly missed and always remembered by your children, grand children, great grand children, family, friends, the community and the Church which you faithfully and tirelessly served till the end.

A memorial mass and laying of the cross shall be held at 11.00 A.M today at the graveside.

Requiem aeternam Baba.

Obituary Image of Seth Kipkorir Kiplagat

Seth Kipkorir Kiplagat

Remembering Daddy – 1st Anniversary

It has been exactly one year since you left us to be with the Lord. Not a day passes by without your life and legacy touching us in a special way, as we continually see and feel the impact of all what you did, your advice and leadership, and your example of a life well lived.

Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. We lost someone we loved so much, someone so wonderful and dear to us. Words will never convey how much we wish you were here once more with us.

We are forever grateful for all what you did for us and the time that God gave us with you. Though unseen and unheard, you are always with us every single day.

Fondly loved, missed and cherished by your loving wife Miriam Kiplagat, your children Grace Kiplagat-Stele and Michael Kiptoo Kiplagat, your mother Magdalene Kiplagat, your grandchildren: Harela and Elianna, your siblings: Enock, Lawi, Caleb, Josiah, Daisy, Gladys and Charles, your in-laws, relatives, friends, brethren-in Christ and all who you touched with your kindness and love.

Daddy, you may be gone from among us, but you will never be forgotten. We will soon meet in the resurrection morning.

Joshua 24:15 “…But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Obituary Image of P. V. Raichura (Advocate)

P. V. Raichura (Advocate)

35th Death Anniversary

 13/11/1929 – 22/10/1985

In the past 35 years you have been my support system we shared a husband-wife bond that was so special, soulmate and strong.

Always With lots of love

From wife Mrs. Kala P. Raichura (U.K.)

Obituary Image of Ramu S. Amukhuma & Margaret A. Amukhuma

Ramu S. Amukhuma & Margaret A. Amukhuma

You are always in our hearts

1940 – 2019 & 1942 – 2009

But those who die in the Lord will live; their bodies will rise again! Isaiah 26:19

Anniversaries come just once a year, but Mom and Dad, your memories live in us every day of every year. Sadly missed, but fondly remembered by your children Harold, Evans, Nancy, Daisy, Anne and Steve; your granchildren Trevor, Margaret, Eugen, Caylan, Tristan, Ivory and Ebony; your brothers and sisters.

Rest easy Mom and Dad, for even though we miss you we are okay. We are okay because we all carry both of you in our hearts, every single day of our lives!

Those who are righteous will be long remembered Psalm 112:6

Obituary Image of Hon. Joshua Mulanda Angatia, EGH

Hon. Joshua Mulanda Angatia, EGH

16th Anniversary

30/12/1938 – 21/10/2004

Days turned into weeks which grew into months. 16 years ago today, what a bow; what a blow! Not a day goes by that isn’t impacted by the legacy you built, the heritage you bequeathed.

Rest well; rest on! Dearly missed and fondly remembered; Isaa Yatukha!

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24: 1 .5

Obituary Image of Lay Reader Nancy Njeri Wambaa

Lay Reader Nancy Njeri Wambaa

In Loving Memory / 2nd Anniversary

Two years have gone since you left us to be with the Lord.

Your memories are still very fresh with us.

Dearly missed by your loving husband, children and the entire family.

You will forever remain in our hearts.

Rest in peace till we meet again. Amen.

Obituary Image of William Githu & Mary Gathoni Kimemia

William Githu & Mary Gathoni Kimemia

Mum and Dad, it’s been five and twenty years, respectively since you left us, and your legacy remains strong with us. You both emphasized the joy to be found in working hard and that it was its own reward when undertaken cheerfully and with diligence. You lived lives of uncompromising integrity and shunned short-cuts.

You spurred us on to educational achievement and personal endeavours, and by your example, showed that those blessed with opportunities for advancement and success had a duty to give back, reach out and lend a hand to those without those advantages.

Since you left us, your legacy is being passed down to your grandchildren and to your great-grandchildren who have since been born. Our determination is that the values you instilled in us will be passed down to encourage and inspire the coming generations.

Dearest Mum and Dad, doting Cucu and Guka continue to rest in blessed peace; you are fondly remembered.

Blessed are those who die in the Lord … for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them (Revelation 14:13)