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Obituary Image of John Karimi Kaara

John Karimi Kaara

It is with great humility and acceptance of God's will that we announce the passing on of our beloved John Karimi Kaara a lecturer at Nyeri National Polytechnic which occurred at the Nairobi Women's Hospital on 23/05/2019.
Obituary Image of John Baptista Kanyoni

John Baptista Kanyoni

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing on of Mr John Baptista Kanyoni of Kirinyaga County, Gichugu Division, Kianjiru Location on the 27th of May 2019.
Obituary Image of Johana Kinyor Kirwa

Johana Kinyor Kirwa

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sudden demise of Johana Kinyor Kirwa of Kenya Pipeline, Eldoret.
Obituary Image of James Kiambuthi Nganga (Papa)

James Kiambuthi Nganga (Papa)

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the death of James Kiambuthi Nganga (Papa) formally of KP&TC (Telkom Kenya) of Muthiga villiage kinoo location Kikuyu sub-county.
Obituary Image of Herbert Njoroge

Herbert Njoroge

We regret to announce the death of Herbert Njoroge, which occurred in Washington DC on 11th May 2019.
Obituary Image of Hannah Wambui Mwangi (mama Mbagio)

Hannah Wambui Mwangi (mama Mbagio)

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to glory of Hannah Wambui Mwangi (mama Mbagio), which occurred on 25th May 2019, at Moi Referral Hospital Eldoret.
Obituary Image of Geoffrey Kamau Kiiru (Chomba)

Geoffrey Kamau Kiiru (Chomba)

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to Glory of Geoffrey Kamau Kiiru (Chomba).
Obituary Image of Eunice Ndila Mulwa

Eunice Ndila Mulwa

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the promotion to glory of Eunice Ndila Mulwa, after a short illness.
Obituary Image of Elvis Otieno Saoke

Elvis Otieno Saoke

 Sunrise: 18th October 1985 - Sunset 13th May 2019
Obituary Image of Christine Tapala Adionyi

Christine Tapala Adionyi

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing on of Christine Tapala Adionyi of the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (Kericho Region) which occurred on Sunday 19th May, 2019.
Obituary Image of Retired Senior Chief Onesmus Mundia Waihenya

Retired Senior Chief Onesmus Mundia Waihenya

Death has occurred of Retired Senior Chief Onesmus Mundia Waihenya of Pesi Village, Shamata Ward Nyandarua County.
Obituary Image of Alfred Ayabei Kipng'urat

Alfred Ayabei Kipng'urat

10/01/1962 - 24/05/2019
Obituary Image of Agnes Waithira Maganjo

Agnes Waithira Maganjo

We regret to announce the death of Agnes Waithira Maganjo of Kagaa Village, Kenol Town, Murang’a County which occurred on Saturday 25th May 2019 after a short illness.
Obituary Image of Virginia Gatune Kariuki

Virginia Gatune Kariuki

It is with humble acceptance of God's will that we announce the passing on of Virginia Gatune Kariuki, on 24th May 2019.
Obituary Image of Sylvia Maureen Wanjiku Ireri

Sylvia Maureen Wanjiku Ireri

Sunrise 21/12/2000 - Sunset 23/05/2019
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