Alfred Peters Owuor

Baba, since you travelled on, the days go by in their variable fashion. The sun fills the skies on certain days and on others, blankets of clouds bless us with rain. But all through the changeable days, one element remains the same. There is always a visit from you. It could be a turn of phrase or the sound of a song, evoking with it the memory of your gentle soul and endless humour. It is comforting how you visit with us every single day.

On this day we, the Owuor and entire Nyadimo family, invite all our friends and loved ones to join us in remembering you. In so doing, we know they smile and recall the ways you have visited them as well in the past four years, wherever in the world they live, with fond memories of your guidance, wisdom and love.

Although we write collectively and are publicly celebrating you today, there is a message to you written in our hearts every day. It is a message marveling on how the lessons you imparted and kindness you extended, continue reaching through the years, constantly stirring loving memories. It is a message of gratitude to the almighty God, who by His mercy and favour chooses the avenues through which you are delivered to us. He writes the music, and lays the path leading us from one delightful remembrance to the next. Through His grace, He continues to share you with us. For that, and all the blessings He bestows upon us, we are eternally grateful. May your soul remain in eternal repose.

Thy mercy, 0 Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds -Psalm 36:5

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