Maryslessor Anusu Omondi

Sunrise: 22nd Aug 1963 Sunset: 5th Sept 2016
We, the family of the late sister-in-Christ Maryslessor Anusu Omondi, wish to express our gratitude to the Almigh God for the years shared with ‘Mumstar’.After a long battle with stomach cancer mum passed on while undergoir treatment at lndraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi lndia.To us mum has Gone Too Soon.
The family would like to express its deepest appreciation to the following. The church: St Stephen’s ACK Webuye) and the entire Bungoma diocese. Katakwa ACK Church. St Paul’s ACK Hono Church and St. Peter’s AACK Siaya Church, hospitals; doctors and the entire staff of Mediheal Eldoret and lndraprastha Apollo hospital, New Delhi. Friend and colleagues from Webuye. Nairobi. Kisumu, Busia. Eldoret and Siaya. Moi University,  the university administration and all the staff members. especially in the school of education. Odera Akang’o Yala campus. administration, staff members and students. Relatives; all our extended family members and their friends.We thank you for your emotional encouragement and support since January this year when mum started her treatment. For those we not mentioned, please accept our heartfelt appreciation. May God bless you abundantly.
Mumstar, you are irreplaceable and we shall cherish you forever. Thank you for the love, care, emotional suppor selflessness, dedication and guidance you provided to our family and those close to you.You were the beacon of hope and strength in the Omondi family. God took you away from us at a time you were at the peak of your lifi and we, at that moment, needed you most_We meekly accept the will of the Almighty.
Fare thee well till we meet again in glory!
The burial date will be on Saturday 22nd October 2016 in Kitale. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2Tim 4:7) Blessed be the name of the Lord.
1 reply
  1. Elizabeth Lwanga
    Elizabeth Lwanga says:

    Maulana mrehemu, mlaze kwema hayati,
    Umfariji mwalimu, na familia kwa dhati,
    Tujalie kufahamu, hekimayo kwa wakati,
    Kwaheri mama Anusu, metuwachia simanzi.


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